Category: International campaigns
CPI (Maoist), Central Committee statement to ICSPWI: “The central committee of CPI (Maoist) once again appreciate the efforts of ICSPWI in propagating against operation kagaar, raising its voice and organising the masses at the international arena against the ongoing genocidal war in India.”
COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (MAOIST) International Affairs Central Committee 1 October, 2024 Dear comrades, The central committee of CPI (Maoist) once again appreciate the efforts of ICSPWI in propagating against operation kagaar, raising its voice and organising the masses at the international arena against the ongoing genocidal war in India. In the last month, the...
Brasil – International campaign to support People’s War in India and national liberation struggle in Palestine
In celebration for the one year of the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood , the biggest event on the anti imperialist fight of century, it happened, last Thursday (october 10th) in block P of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), the Political Act: Independence and Freedom to Palestine From the River to the Sea. The act took place...
Bangladesh – Seminar Palestine/India
Press Release Date : 11 October, 2024 Seminar held in protest of the one year of Israeli genocide and aggression on Palestine and the ongoing "Operation Kagaar" aimed at destroying the Maoist's in India. The New Democratic People's Forum (NDPF) held a seminar at the Bangladesh Shishu Kallyan Parishad auditorium to protest the year-long genocide...