25th International Day to Support the Political Prisoners in India – Brazil

Brasil India campaign in the antiCup demos

Por Rafael Gomes Penelas
Foto: Guilherme Moreira / A Nova Democracia
A equipe do Jornal A Nova Democracia foi convidada para acompanhar, na tarde da última sexta-feira (24/1), na Central do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, o ato-panfletagem da Frente Revolucionária de Defesa dos Direitos do Povo (FRDDP) em apoio aos presos políticos da Índia.
A atividade foi realizada devido ao Grande Dia Internacional de Solidariedade e Luta convocado para ser realizado em diversos países neste sábado, dia 25 de janeiro.
Milhares de panfletos foram distribuídos e uma faixa foi exposta com os dizeres: ‘LIBERDADE INCONDICIONAL PARA TODOS OS PRESOS POLÍTICOS NA ÍNDIA’.
Também participaram da atividade, militantes da Frente Independente Popular – RJ, do Movimento Feminino Popular (MFP), do Movimento Estudantil Popular Revolucionário (MEPR) e do Centro Brasileiro de Solidariedade aos Povos (Cebraspo).

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On the occasion in which we celebrate the International Day of Struggle and Solidarity with the Political Prisoners of India, the Communist Reconstruction Union of Brazil declares its combative support and unconditional solidarity to all the Indian revolutionaries, democrats and patriots persecuted, arrested or harrased by the old feudal Indian State. Mainly, to the fighters of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), which since 1967 lead a great people's war of liberation against the domination of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism over their country.
Although the imperialist propaganda makes huge efforts to show India, its semicolony, as "the greatest democracy of the world", with a so-called strong and developing economy, the lies do not resist to the most superficial analysis of the reality. Since many years, the Indian State, in collusion with the United States, Israel and the revisionists of the "Communist Party of India - Marxist", leads the hateful "Operation Green Hunt" aiming at destroying the struggle of resistance of the Indian workers and peasants led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and selling the country's soil and the natural resources to the foreign capital. The Operation Green Hunt - disguised with vague words like "democracy and development - commited unprecedent acts of landgrabbing, rapes, murder of peasants and cattle theft in name of counter-insurgency operations and the denationalization of the country's soil, putting it into hands of big foreign mining companies and agrobusiness enterprises. Estimatives made by groups of human rights activists say that millions and millions of peasants were harrased or violently displaced from its lands since the beggining of the "Operation".
Far from being "the biggest democracy of the world", democratic and people-oriented strata of the Indian society constantly denounce the increasing storm of fascism that has been taking the country. In the year 2008, the "Unlawful Activities (Act)" was ammended, making the old evil laws like "Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act" even more reppresive. Between recent cases of murders and persecutions against people's fighters, is Ganti Prasadam, former vice-Chairman of the Revolutionary Democratic Front of all India, murdered by henchmen who worked for the Indian government in July 4 of 2013; comrade Kishenji, member of the Central Military Commission and Politburo of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), brutally tortured before being assassinated soldiers of the Indian army (evidences of torture unmask the lies told by the Indian army, according to which he was killed during a combat); The professor od Delhi University, G N Saibaba, secretary of the RDF of all India, which was harrased, intimidated, and had his house arbitrarily searched by the Indian police, which confiscated DVDs, books, CDs and also mobile phones of him, his daughter and his wife, under suspect of "subversion". Professor Saibaba is a great democratic leadership of the Indian people, who has been long denouncing, in lectures, the press and other means of communication the atrocities commited by the India government in "Operation Green Hunt", under the pretext of a so-called "development". Also Arundathi Roy, great democratic personality in the struggle for defense of tribal peoples impaired by the anti-people policies of the Indian government, has been persecuted, and had even received threats of killing for sustaining such democratic positions.
During the last years, the Indian has done very few (or nothing) to alliviate the increasing gap which separates a clicque of big billionaire capitalists and a sea of people crushed by the most inhuman misery. Before the world economic crisis of the imperialist system, which separates even more a small number of highly developed capitalist countries from the Third World countries (of which India is part of), national liberation struggles in India and other oppresed countries will sharpen, situation of which the Indian government intends to reject by raising the reppresion against the big masses of such country and depening the application of the country-selling policies.
At such moment, where in Brazil we see huge people's protests against the megaevents (which allow the international sports' associations and foreign companies to violate our national sovereignty, as well as interfering in our internal issues) and the neoliberal policies applied the Dilma Rousseff's governement, the fascist reppresion of the Brazilian State against the working masses of our country has never grown so much. The number of workers, peasants, students, urban poor and other people strata arrested for fighting for its rights or arbitrarily harrased by the Brazilian Military Police - one the world's police which most kills in the whole world - and other armed wings of the Brazilian State is growing more and more. In this sense, it is of fundamental importance the mutual international solidarity between the Brazilian and Indian peoples in a democratic and peace-oriented movement, of struggle for the release of political prisioners and against all oppresion and domination.
All support to the Indian people in its struggle for liberation!
Freedom for all political prisoners!
Long live the Communist Party of India (Maoist)!
São Paulo, 25th January of 2014

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