January 27, 2014
Dear Comrades
This is the text of the poster we put up in North London in answer to your call. (We could not reproduce the picture here). We are very inspired by the solidarity actions that took place all over the world.
25th January 2014 International Day of Solidarity and Struggle!
Unconditional release for all political prisoners in India!
In jails in India prisoners face every kind of harassment, torture, denial of bail, inhumane living conditions, arbitrary
transfers, brutal assaults and punishments of solitary confinement, and often the detained women are raped.
In spite of the fierce condition of detention, prisoners are resisting and struggling with revolutionary spirit and turning the dark jails
in which they are confined into a battlefront against the rising fascism in India and the Indian regime.
Stop India being “the prison house of people's movements”!
Stop Operation Green Hunt!
Street demos, counter-information actions
and mass protests!
Red Solidarity
On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 3:15 PM, comitato internazionale sostegno GP india <csgpindia@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Comrades and friends,
As you probably know, the 25th of January 2014 a great International Day of support for the political prisoners in India will take place.
This Day is within the support to the People’s War in India, within the campaign against the Operation Green Hunt, within the Call and action of CPI(Maoist) and the support for the broad campaigns and initiatives of the RDF and the CRPP.
It is also a response and challenge to imperialism and the Indian regime, that recently took the field against the International Conference in Hamburg on 24th November, the International Committee and all the forces supporting the liberation struggle of Indian masses in arms and the people’s war led by the CPI(Maoist).
Comrades, we are sure that, whatever opinion you have about the International Committee and some forces belonging it, you will feel necessary to take part, in full autonomy, in this campaign.
We ask you to inform us about you initiatives, so that we can include them in the general information about the campaign and they reach the internationalist and international press, including the Indian press.
The call for the campaign suggests generically the kind of initiatives to be held but, of course, any participant is free to plan others, so, since the date of Day is a Saturday in order to allow a wider mass participation, other impacting initiatives that could occur during the same week will be considered part of the International Day.
All the public reports concerning the campaign will published on the blog: icspw.wordpress.com
We think that some useful papers are already at your disposal, anyway we attach some of them:
- the Call
- the poster
- 2 communiqués on the political prisoners
- The message of CPI(Maoist) for the International Conference in Hamburg
- The document of the CC, CPI(M), September 2013
Close to the 25th another paper on “India, prison house of people’s movements” will be sent.
With our solidarity and internationalist greetings,
The International Committee to support the People’s War in India.