From Indian Express: Maoists whip up support abroad

Maoists whip up support abroad
by Indian Express

2013-07-01-19.59.33-768x1024The CPI (Maoist) has emerged as a “role model” for the Communist movement across the world, according to revolutionary groups based outside India which have pledged support to it. The revelation could add to the worries of the government, which considers the Maoist group as India’s “biggest internal security threat”. The support for CPI (Maoist) was voiced at the first International Conference in Support of the People’s War in India, which was attended by delegates of Communist parties from more than two dozen countries. It was held exactly a year ago in Hamburg on November 24, 2012 to commemorate the first death anniversary of Maoist leader Mallojula Koteshwara Rao alias Kishenji, who was killed in an encounter in West Bengal.

While senior members of the CPI (Maoist) have established contacts with revolutionaries in other countries, it was the first time a major international seminar was held to pledge support — financial, cultural and strategic — to the outfit and emphasised their global strategic significance. The seminar was jointly organised by the International Committee to Support the People’s War in India and the Hamburg-based League Against Imperialist Aggression. In fact, the Committee was formed in Paris in January 2010, purely considering the strategic advantage the CPI (Maoist) lent to the global movement. Now it has branches in several countries to support the CPI (Maoist).

According to copies of speeches and presentation made by the delegates, available with The Indian Express, the CPI (Maoist) has become a “red linchpin” for the Communist movement across the globe. “The victory of the people’s war in India would change the global balance of strength between imperialism and oppressed nations. The people’s war in India is an important common point of reference for all of us, it is a red linchpin for the international Communist movement,” the Communist Party of Austria said in its presentation. “Let us learn today from the example of the Indian comrades, that the ideological struggle and the struggle to establish a correct and red political line are the basic principles by which the struggle to build the Maoist Communist Party of the proletariat must be carried out,” it said.

The Revolutionary Communist Party of Canada said the CPI (Maoist) is a “good example of a revolutionary party that has been able to break with many of the sectarian tendencies in the revolutionary movement. We hope that we can all learn from this experience”. The delegates noted that while in other countries “the struggle against imperialism is only a resistance without any perspective”, the Indian Mao-ists are “worth taking a look”. Disclosing the strategic aid CPI (Maoist) receives from abroad, the delegates said “concrete steps” have been made to “coordinate” the forces who support it. “The innovative way in which the CPI (Maoist) is able to handle the immense diversity of the contradictions in India… and the way in which this party fights for the unification with the people’s war… is an example that the highest attention should be given to,” League Against the Imperial Aggression said.

The delegates said posters of Kishenji and slain Maoist spokesperson Azad have found their way in over 30 countries, including Colombia, Canada, Italy, Sweden, Austria, Spain, France, Germany, Turkey and Italy as they are building organisations to mobilise support. The groups shared their experiences of how they are extending support. The Revolutionary Front in Defence of The People’s Right of Brazil gave several instances when they held agitations outside the Indian consulate extending support to the CPI (Maoist). Maoist Communist Party of France said it distributed thousands of leaflets and posters in several universities. While the CPI (Maoist) delegates could not attend the event, they sent a written message that was read out. “Despite the efforts of the enemy, we grow in strength in the guerrilla areas and expand in new areas,” it said, and expressed appreciation for the support.


2010 JAN: International Committee to Support the People’s War in India formed

SEPTEMBER: French Committee to Support the Revolution in India formed

2011 APRIL: First International Week of mobilisation in support of people’s war held in many countries

2012 JAN: Second International Week held NOV: Hamburg conference organised. Attended by Maoist/Communist groups of more than two dozen countries, like France, Britain, Italy, Croatia, Afghanistan and Germany

2013 SEPT: International Committee to Support the People’s War in India holds meeting in Milan, slams police action against DU teacher G N Saibaba, decides to celebrate 10th anniversary of CPI (Maoist) formation in 2014

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