ICSPWINDIA press release

Press release

On October 20, the International Committee to Support the People’s War in India (ICSPWI) internationalist blog, icspwindia.wordpress.com, stopped working.

After a few attempts from us to access it, it was clear that it was not a technical malfunction but a real censorship, in fact the wordpress domain communicated that “it is not possible to publish the post, the blog is closed”.

For more than ten years, the Committee’s blog has fulfilled the role of informing about the People’s War in India, the main New Democratic Revolution underway in the world.

It was doing that directly through the publication of press releases and first-hand and official documents from the Communist Party of India (Maoist) and, above all, it supported the People’s War in India, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) that leads it, and the Indian political prisoners through ad hoc international campaigns for their release.

International range campaigns have been launched by the ICSPWI, for the release, among others, of the political prisoners Ajith and Prof. Saibaba.

When censorship came, the blog was reporting messages of denunciation and solidarity regarding Prof. Saibaba’s assassination, imprisoned by the Indian regime in recent years, who was denied the necessary medical care that caused his death.

Once again the communication media proved to be a dominant social class instrument,at a global level. It is the imperialist bourgeoisie that decides when the so-called “freedom of speeech” respects the standards (read the interests of the imperialist bourgeoisie itself).

In recent months, websites, blogs, information pages on social media that support the Palestinian Resistance, popular and proletarian struggles and Revolutions (such as the People’s War in India), are increasingly subject to censorship.

We live in this contradiction, we know that the tools of production and information are ultimately in the hands of the bourgeoisie but at the same time we need to use them for propaganda and proletarian agitation.

This situation requires greater “professionalization” on our part to counter the attempts to silence us: it is not enough to be “red” but also “experts” as Mao-Tse-Tung teaches.

Censorship will not stop the just activity of the Committee for the Support of the People’s War in India which will soon return with a better information organ than before and it will intensify its information and support activity to the People’s War in India and the Communist Party of India (Maoist).


November 2024

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