Operation Kagar represents the Indian state’s intensified attempt to mercilessly crush the struggles and aspirations of Adivasis

Operation Kagar represents the Indian state's intensified attempt to extinguish Maoism, which claims to embody the struggles and aspirations of Adivasis. Criminalized by the state, the Maoists have been portrayed as a threat, with Operation Kagar deploying strategies that jeopardize their activities. This operation weaves together economic, cultural, and political motives, allegedly with drone attacks...

The Call for the International Day of 25 Jan translated into German

Posted by icswp ⋅ December 27, 2013 Bedingungslose Freilassung aller politischer Gefangenen in Indien! Bedingungslose Freilassung aller politischer Gefangenen in Indien! 25ter Januar 2014 – Großer internationaler Tag der Solidarität und des Kampfes! In Indien leiden mehr als 10.000 vermeintliche Maoisten in Gefängnissen, hinzugezählt werden müssen weitere Tausende von Gefangenen aus den nationalen Befreiungsbewegungen (Kaschmir, Manipur,...

Condemn the political assassination of Telangana People’s Leader Akula Bhoomaiah!

Posted by icspwi ⋅ December 26, 2013 Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF) Press Statement, 26 December 2013 Senior Telangana people’s leader Akula Bhoomaiah was brutally murdered by the state actors in Hyderabad on Tuesday night (24th of December) at 9:45 pm. Bhoomaiah was returning from the local Press Club at Basheerbagh after a book launch on...

The Call for the International Day of 25 Jan translated into Portuguese

Posted by icspwi ⋅ December 22, 2013 Liberdade imediata para todos os presos políticos na Índia! 25 de Janeiro de 2014: Grande dia internacional de solidariedade e luta! Na Índia mais de 10.000 supostos maoístas padecem nos cárceres, aos quais se juntam outros milhares de presos envolvidos nos movimentos de libertação nacional (Cachemira, Manipur, etc.)...

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