Let us raise mass base and subjective forces
Let us preserve and develop Party, PLGA, United Front and the revolutionary movement
Let us fight back the counter revolutionary war, ‘Kagaar’
unleashed by the central and the state governments to
eliminate the countrywide revolutionary movement
Dear Comrades and people!
People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA) that has been making People’s War to achieve New Democratic Revolution in the country completes 24 years by this December 2nd.
On this occasion the Central Military Commission (CMC) calls upon the entire Party Committees, the ranks of the Party, PLGA Commands, units, Revolutionary People’s Committees, Mass Organisations and revolutionary people to celebrate the anniversary of PLGA from December 2nd to 8th in the forest, plain and urban areas all over thecountry with revolutionary enthusiasm and firm determination.
On this occasion it calls upon the entire revolutionary camp – “Let us raise the mass base and subjective forces through political, organisational and military effort. Let us preserve the Party, PLGA, United Fronts and the revolutionary movement. Let us fight back the counter revolutionary war, ‘Kagaar’ unleashed by the central and the state governments to eliminate the countrywide revolutionary movement”.
CMC conveys revolutionary greetings to the entire Party committees, the ranks of the party, PLGA commands, commanders and fighters, the Revolutionary People’s Committees (RPC), the leaders and activists of Mass Organisations, the members of People’s Militia and the revolutionary people
who have been making efforts for the past one year with enthusiasm, firm determination, courage and dare to achieve the tasks given by the CMC to the entire Party, PLGA, the organs of people and the revolutionary people, on the occasion of the 23rd Anniversary of PLGA. It conveys revolutionary greetings to all the comrades taking part in the ongoing political, military, organisational,
technical and cultural effort daringly resisting the counter revolutionary ‘Surajkund’ strategic offensive plan and as a part of it, the counter revolutionary war, ‘Kagaar’ being unleashed since January this year. It feels certain that the comrades injured in the actions of guerrilla war all over the country would recover soon and take up their responsibility in the guerrilla war with war enthusiasm.
CMC pays humble revolutionary homage to the heroic guerrillas who became martyrs in the daring retaliation to the counter revolutionary war for the past one year and all the martyrs who laid down their lives in the encirclement attacks, encounters, fake encounters, in the actions of war
against the enemy, through deceit, accidents, ill health and other reasons.
The martyrs overcame severe unfavourable conditions step by step in the organised carpet security in the red resistance areas and guerrilla zones, heckled the fierce war made by the armed forces of the enemy with lakhs of ammunition and shells and retaliated the forces amidst unceasing combing
and encirclement attacks. The unique courage and dare of the martyrs, their bravery to withstand the enemy, their dauntless and relentless Maoist style of struggle, their commitment towards the people, their sacrificing nature and their undeterred confidence in the success of revolution are ideal and
Let us uphold their sacrifices. Let us voice the heroic tales of their brave resistance. Let us sing their ideals. Let us pledge to step into their path
and determinedly fight until the end to fulfil their ideals.
In the past ten months from 2023 December to 2024 October, 254 comrades became martyrs fighting to defeat the counter revolutionary
Surajkund strategic offensive and as a part of it, the Kagaar offensive, with the objective to accomplish the New Democratic Revolution in India. Out of them
109 were men comrades and 81 women comrades. Sixty-four were villagers out of which 56 were men and 8 women and a 6 month old baby girl.
Eight comrades were martyred in Bihar-Jharkhand, 7 in Odisha, 2 in MMC, 11 in Telangana and 226 in Dandakaranya. Out of the total comrades,
four Comrades Sanjay, Rupesh, Jaya and Neeti were of the State Committee rank, 1 Regional Committee member, 21 members of the District Committee
rank, 62 AC/PPC comrades, 77 Party members, 25 members of PLGA and 64 revolutionary people. These comrades apart, several leaders and activists of
revolutionary, progressive, democratic organisations, sympathisers and friends of revolution lost their lives. Comrade Saibaba who fought for the democratic rights and power of the oppressed, Dalit, tribal, religious minority people and the oppressed nationalities for decades breathed his last on 12th
October. Along with Com. Lalay (Aprecia Avarez Rosete) Central Committee Member of Communist Party of Philippines, who killed in an false encounter,
few other comrades of the International Communist Movement became martyrs. The CMC pays revolutionary homage to all the martyrs.
Outcome of the political, organisational and military effort all over the country to fail the counter revolutionary war, ‘Kagaar’
Consolidation is going on as a part of the consolidation campaign in the party in the forest, plain and urban areas all over the country. Party membership is being raised, party cells are being formed and the various levels of party committees are being consolidated. As a part of it, rectification of the
mistakes in building a secret party invincible to the enemy was initiated. The cadres are being educated of the recent circulars and messages released by
the Central Committee and the State level Committees. Education-Training campaign is going on regarding the tactics to continue class struggle-guerrilla
war in the changed social conditions, in the temporary setback and amidst carpet security.
There are anti-imperialist, anti-Comprador Bureaucratic Capitalist (CBB), anti-feudal, anti-Corporatisation-Militarisation people’s struggles in the
urban, plain and forest areas of the country. Propaganda and agitation activities against Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism are being held. Various kinds of
forums of United Action are formed and functioning at various levels for struggles and propaganda-agitation activities against Corporatisation-
Militarisation and Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism. There are wide propaganda-agitation activities in the country and other countries against the genocides
unleashed by the central and the state governments in Dandakaranya. Along with the programs under International Committee to Support People’s War in
India (ICSPWI), Anti-Imperialist League was formed and working against these genocides centered in Europe.
PLGA forces of Dandakaranya, Telangana, AOB, Regional Company and the people were mobilised in Battalion formation that held a raid on January
16th against the Dharmaram police camp comprising of 500 Para-military and Commando forces in South Bastar division, as a part of retaliation to ‘Kagaar’
in Dandakaranya. In this daring raid, the PLGA forces encircled the enemy camp from four sides, shelled nearly one thousand with Spigot Grenade
Launcher (SGL) and fired hundreds of ammunition. Nearly 35 personnel of the Central Armed Police Force (CAPF)/Para-military forces and various kinds of
Commando forces were eliminated and nearly 40 were injured. But the enemy lied initially that there were no losses from their side, to keep up the morale
of their forces and to not let up the morale of the PLGA forces. However, later they announced 4 were dead and 9 injured in the incident. Within a few days
of Dharmaram raid, on January 30th, the PLGA forces of South Bastar division of Dandakaranya, Telangana and Regional Company ambushed the forces in
the outer circle engaged in the protection of a Forward Operational Base (FOB) in Jeeragudem. In this ambush 3 CRPF police were wiped and 15 injured. Both
the actions deeply distressed the enemy armed forces and the central and the state governments.
These forces continued the Tactical Counter Offensive Campaign (TCOC) from March to June. Eleven armed personnel of the various Commando
forces and the central and state government armed forces were wiped and 21 injured in this TCOC. These forces shelled on the Sutbai, Potkel, Jeeragudem,
Dharmaram and Madakagudem camps. People were mobilised in big scale who dug thousands of spike holes in the South Bastar division. The forces of
AOB took up few actions of guerrilla war together with the forces of West Bastar and Darbha division in Dandakaranya. 7 armed personnel of the central
and the state government were wiped and 23 injured in the TCOC in North Sub-Zone of DK from February to June. There was shelling on two FOBs in the
zone. In the West Sub-Zone 2 armed personnel were injured in an ambush.
TCOC was taken up together with the political propaganda campaign of boycott of elections to the fake Parliament. People of hundreds of villages
all over Dandakaranya boycotted elections.
There were few actions of guerrilla war in the past one year in Bihar-Jharkhand, East Bihar-North East Jharkhand Special Areas. Especially
thousands of booby traps were laid in Kolhan-Saranda of West Singbhum district of Jharkhand. Few armed personnel were wiped and few injured in the
actions of guerrilla war.
Three SOG Commandos were injured in Odisha.
Our heroic PLGA commanders and fighters put up daring resistance to the enemy in all the encirclement attacks in Dandakaranya, Bihar-Jharkhand,
Telangana and Odisha and wiped or injured a considerable number of enemy armed forces. But the enemy has been stating partial number of losses to hide
the fact fearing it might raise the morale of PLGA forces.
There were nearly one hundred actions of guerrilla war in DK, BJ, EB- NEJ, Odisha, MMC and Telangana in the past one year. Sixty-five armed
personnel and various kinds of Commando forces were wiped and 120 injured in these actions. Three Gopaneeya (secret) soldiers, 29 informers, 3 coverts
and 6 anti-people political leaders of the BJP and Congress were wiped. PLGA forces burnt 25-30 vehicles engaged in road construction work and few mobile
towers. PLGA forces retaliated the armed forces, Para-military, Commando and Indian Army in nearly 100 encounters and encirclement attacks.
On the whole, our PLGA forces continued guerrilla war utilising tactics such as raid, ambush, sniper actions, booby trap-remote actions, arranging
spike holes, shelling police camps, elimination of informers-coverts, wiping out counter revolutionaries, elimination of anti-people leaders of BJP and
Congress parties in the past ten months to fail the counter revolutionary Surajkund strategic offensive plan-Kagaar offensive.
The extent and intensity of actions of guerrilla war is less when compared to last year. This year we could not seize weapons from the enemy.
On the other hand we are losing the forces of our Party, PLGA and Mass Organisations in Kagaar attacks. As a result, the organs of Party, PLGA and
United Front became weak and the countrywide revolutionary movement is continuing in temporary setback.
We achieved few positive experiences in class struggle-guerrilla war in the past ten months. These experiences are the continuation of the earlier
positive experiences. The central and the state governments deployed nearly 8 lakhs of armed forces, Indian Army and Air force in the areas of the
revolutionary movement and consolidated carpet security. But we could mobilise the people of these areas in anti-imperialist, anti-CBB, anti-feudal,
anti-Corporatisation-Militarisation struggles. The forces of Party and PLGA formed into small teams and are taking up guerrilla war in the form of small
and decentralised actions basing on the people, people’s militia and local resources. They are continuing efforts to build a secret party invincible to the
enemy at the local level. The shelling on the Dharmaram operational base camp with improvised weapons created relatively severe loss to the enemy.
There was an ambush on the enemy forces deployed in the outer circle to protect the enemy camp. The encirclement attacks of the enemy were broke-
through. In Kolhan-Podahat-Saranda, mine field was arranged in a wide area and the indiscriminate combing of the enemy armed forces were contained. If
the entire Party and PLGA learn from these positive experiences and continue class struggle-guerrilla war, we can strengthen the Party, PLGA and United
Front. We can raise mass base depending on it. We can advance the revolutionary movement from the temporary setback. Let us fight back and fail the counter revolutionary war, ‘Kagaar’ unleashed as a part of the counter revolutionary Surajkund strategic offensive plan formulated by the central and the state governments.
As a part of the counter revolutionary Surajkund strategic offensive plan, counter revolutionary war, ‘Kagaar’ is going on in the forest, plain and
urban areas all over the country. This is going on in the name of ‘Operation clean’ in the states of Bihar-Jharkhand. ‘Kagaar’ offensive is mainly
concentrated on Dandakaranya. In this bid, the Chhattisgarh government started a plan ‘Neeyad nellatha naar’ (yours is a good village) in Bastar region
on 15th February. Villages in the purview of five kilometres were brought under the 14 new FOB camps set up in Bastar from December to February after BJP
came to power in the state. As a part of this plan, the governments announced it would implement 25 schemes of providing basic infrastructure and 32
schemes of individual benefit. None of these schemes help raise the productivity of the people. They turn them beneficiaries and make them
beggars depending on the mercy of the government. In fact all these government schemes accumulate the hard work of the people to the exploitive
classes directly or indirectly. These schemes help for illegal income of the government officers and anti-people elements from the village level to the
central government. These schemes do not solve the basic problems of the people. The central and the state governments got down on war footing to
bring all the people of the villages of the areas of the revolutionary movement totally under their control through these schemes. As a part of the counter-
insurgency operations, the central and the state governments shall work with the objective to transform each village into a counter revolutionary centre. A
section of these villages will be taken into their fold and informer network be strengthened. A section of anti-people elements will be organised.
Suppression through hook or crook will intensify on the struggling people.
These schemes shall trample the power the tribal peasantry and poor people achieved on jal-jungle-zameen (water-forest-land) through their struggle for
four decades. This would give way to indiscriminate exploitation of jal-jungle-zameen by the domestic and foreign corporate companies. The local landlords
and anti-people tribal gentry shall become part of this loot. They would turn compradors to exercise political power to facilitate the loot. The
implementation of these schemes would weaken the power of the social Gram Sabhas (Bhoomkal) and the RPCs and that of village panchayat Gram Sabha
shall be formed. The local exploitative, rural bad gentry will sustain its power.
The forest villages turn revenue villages and the exploitation and oppression by the revenue department will increase. Areas such as Maad too will witness
settlement of land with land certificates to people on very less amount of land.
Most of the lands will be grabbed by the exploitive government to hand it over to the domestic and foreign corporate companies.
Counter revolutionary schemes such as ‘neeyad nellatha naar’ of Bastar division have been being implemented in the areas of the movement all
over the country, or else would be implemented in the coming days. Thus the exploitation and oppression by the imperialist, CBB and feudal classes shall
further intensify in the areas of the movement. This would make struggle inevitable for the people.
On 24th August, a meeting of the Chief Secretaries and DGPs of Chhattisgarh, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Jharkhand, Madhya
Pradesh and Maharashtra of the Maoist movement was held under the leadership of the Central Home Minister Amit Shah in Raipur, the capital city
of Chhattisgarh, to review the elimination of the Maoist movement and for inter-state coordination. The meeting decided to totally eliminate the Maoist
movement all over the country by 2026 March 31st. It decided to achieve this target by doubling the speed and intensity of the anti-Maoist campaign taken
up in the past 7 months since 2024 January. They announced the establishment of 277 camps of the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) in the
Maoist strong areas in the country from 2019 to 2024 August, that of 33 more camps of Para-military forces in the past 7 months and the establishment of
29 more camps in the coming days. It was decided to deploy three Battalions of CRPF forces from Jharkhand and one from Bihar to Bijapur, Sukma and
Dantewada districts to give decisive final blow to the Maoists. These forces would be deployed in the bordering Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Odisha.
Amit Shah declared they would set up a counter system to stop the Maoists escape to the bordering states to avoid the attacks by the central and
the state governments in Chhattisgarh.
The central government decided to set up a manoeuvring range of the Indian Army in Bastar. It is going to seize 54,543 hectares (1,36,357 acres) of
land in Maad for the purpose. People of 52 villages of 13 panchayats will be displaced for the range. In fact the central government decided to form an
Army base in Maad way back in 2011. The large scale people’s struggles in the country and foreign countries apart from Bastar division against the decision
forced the government to temporarily postpone the proposal. Now it is eager to push it through in its long term strategical plan. The central government
deploys Army in this area so as to totally change the terrain and stay for the coming 50 to 100 years to see that there are no rebellions or revolutionary
activities. The Army is being deployed to relaunch mining, construction of dams, hydro-electric projects and tourist centres that could not be done for
the past decades due to the revolutionary movement and in the immediate interest of the exploitation and oppression of imperialists and comprador
bureaucratic capitalists. The central government lies that the forces in this Army camp will not directly take part in the anti-Maoist activities which is only
to deceive the people of the country and the world. These forces shall take part directly, indirectly and in all manners in the anti-revolutionary operations
in the Central Region. The government needs to lie since it did not declare it a disturbed area and is deploying the Army without the approval of the
Parliament for the implementation of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act – AFSPA. Employment of Army for the internal security of the country with or
without the approval of the Parliament is against the international judicial rules and the fundamental principles of Indian Constitution. Indian Army was
situated in Kashmir and the North East since 1950s in the name of internal security. Seven lakh forces are taking part in anti-revolutionary activities in
Kashmir and nearly 6-7 lakhs in the North East. The massacres these forces commit in these areas are well known to the people of the world. The central
government is deploying Indian Army to make such massacres in Central India.
This apart, the Chhattisgarh government decided to vacate 70 villages in the purview of Indravathi Tiger Reserve project in Bijapur district.
While speaking of developing the tribal areas of the country through schemes such as ‘niyad nellatha naar’, the central and the state governments
are deploying Army, Para-military, Commando forces and armed forces and militarising all the tribal areas. These developments show that the talk about
developing tribal areas is fake and that the fact is that all these areas will be handed over to the imperialist, comprador bureaucratic capitalist corporate
Companies (be corporatized).
The Central Home Minister held the annual review meeting in New Delhi with the Chief Ministers of 8 Maoist strong states – Chhattisgarh, Odisha,
Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Bihar on the 7th of October. The meeting approved the plan of the inter-state
coordination meeting held in Raipur on 24th August.
All these are a part of the evil scheme to establish ‘Vikasith Bharat’ (developed India) by 2047. Developed India means nothing but corporate
Hindu state. Communist Party of India (Maoist) is the political force that can show the political path to the people of the country and prepare them to resist
the establishment of corporate Hindu state. That is the reason the imperialist, comprador bureaucratic capitalist, feudal classes are eager to eliminate the
Maoist movement. They want to make true the dream of developed India. All the schemes formulated by the central and the state governments to eliminate
the revolutionary movement are intended to stabilise the exploitation and suppression of the imperialists, comprador bureaucratic capitalists and the
feudal classes. As long as this exploitation and oppression continue, it is impossible to permanently suppress revolutions.
revolutionary war ‘Kagaar’ and preserve the revolutionary movement
The extent and intensity of guerrilla war in the areas of the revolutionary movement lessened since the revolutionary movement of the country is in temporary setback for the past few years. Thus carpet security was consolidated in these areas. In this situation, let us fight back ‘Kagaar’ offensive, preserve the revolutionary movement and fail the evil plan of the central and the state governments. It is our immediate task.
Although the central and the state governments deployed nearly 8 lakh armed forces in the areas of the revolutionary movement all over the
country and are unleashing massive counter revolutionary decisive war in the name of ‘Kagaar’, we can definitely fail the evil objective of the enemy if we
identify the strategic and tactical balance of forces and work with appropriate tactics of strategy and tactics. The enemy is tactically a real tiger but
strategically a paper tiger. Therefore we must identify the strategic and tactical balance of forces of the Party, PLGA and United Front, overcome the tactical
weaknesses and work with the plan to strengthen strategically, working on the basis of the strong factors.
1. We must pay importance to the protection of subjective forces and avoid losses
In the past one year 254 comrades became martyrs in the country, most of them in Kagaar offensive. The martyrdom of comrades experienced in
mass work and military work for decades and young comrades who can fight for decades is a severe loss to the revolutionary movement. During this period we lost all kinds of weapons including bur mars in the enemy attacks in a relatively large number. We lost scores of SGLs. This weakens the combat efficiency of PLGA. This apart, enemy got hold of information about the organs of the Party, PLGA and United Front through intelligence network. Few weak individuals who feared from the losses in the movement joined the enemy, turned traitors and are taking part in counter guerrilla operations. The enemy poured in crores of rupees to split the revolutionary camp and turn thousands into police informers and a few into coverts.
We must realise the reality and pay importance to the protection of subjective forces in the present situation. We must prevent losses. We have been reviewing for the past four years that we need to immediately rectify the mistakes we have been committing until now in implementing secret method of work and rules of guerrilla war in spite of which we could not bring enough change in our practice. Therefore we must immediately rectify these mistakes. We must immediately transform the method of journeys, camping, acquiring civil and military supplies, coordination, using walkie and net, meetings, study classes, military training,
maintenance of electronic devices and all such things. Let us bolshevise the Party, mould PLGA into a trained guerrilla army and prevent losses.
There is a fundamental change in the nature of enemy offensive in the counter revolutionary Surajkund-Kagaar decisive war. Let us identify this
fundamental change, take up tactics of self-defence corresponding to the changed condition and prevent losses. In the present situation we must
pay importance to the protection of subjective forces.
Let us take up constant strategic political, organisational and military efforts so as to control the intelligence network of informers, coverts and
double agents of the enemy and prevent losses.
Let us with firm determination implement the tactics of secrecy, speed, ever alertness and change of place. Let us practice the tactics of Maoist
guerrilla war, ‘we retreat when enemy advances, we harass the enemy in camps, we attack when tired and chase in retreat’.
2. Let us mould PLGA such as to efficiently take up guerrilla war-people’s war in the changed social conditions, during the temporary
setback amidst carpet security and to preserve the revolutionary movement, Party and PLGA from the decisive war unleashed by the
In the changed social conditions and in the temporary setback, let us pay importance to open and legal struggles, coordinate the open-secret and legal-illegal struggles and intensify class struggle. Let us continue guerrilla war basing on the mass base increasing out of the intensity of class struggle. Let us continue guerrilla war in support of class struggle and class struggle in support of guerrilla war. We must take up guerrilla war to the best of our strength through small and decentralised actions. In order to do so, we need to solve the political, military and organisational problems of PLGA. So, let us shed civilian psyche. Let us mould PLGA into an army always prepared for war. Let us train our forces for active self-defensive war. Let us enhance lively relations with the people. Let us strengthen organs of Party, PLGA and people.
With carpet security strengthened in areas of revolutionary movement all over the country, these turned/are turning into white areas. This is a strategic problem of the revolutionary movement. Therefore, let us strategically mould the PLGA forces such as to make guerrilla war in white areas. Let us make theoretical, political, military and organisational preparations for the purpose.
3. Build countrywide extensive propaganda-agitation resistance movement with the demand to stop the counter revolutionary war
Kagaar and against the establishment of Indian Army centre in Maad by the central government
displacement will be eliminated in the name of Maoists. The persons who surrender will be recruited into the police, Para-military and military forces and eliminate the tribal people through them.
Apart from corporatisation of forests, agrarian lands all over the country also will be corporatized. Corporatisation shall be taken in agrarian, industrial and service sectors. Therefore we must take up a political campaign such as to enlighten the people of the country that ‘corporate Hindu state’ is a big danger to the oppressed classes, oppressed communities and oppressed nationalities of the country. We must take up a political campaign to form, activate, consolidate and revive the affected forums of United Front on a broad basis at the local, district, state and central level to stop the establishment of corporate Hindu state. All the
oppressed classes, oppressed communities and oppressed nationalities whose existence, survival and self-respect falls in danger with the formation of Hindu state must form volunteer squads for their forests, lands and properties and build a countrywide resistance movement. In this effort, wherever present, the PLGA units must become part of building agitation-propaganda resistance movement in the leadership of our party.
Dear comrades and people!
The world capitalist-imperialist system was caught in general crisis since 1973 and is unable to overcome it. All the economic, political and technical policies it took up for the past five decades to overcome it utterly failed. In this situation it is unleashing anti-environmental economic, technical and political policies that would destroy the earth, for its exploitation of natural resources, to loot the labour power and for market. Imperialism is making large scale propaganda of right, racist, fascist ideology to create validity among the people for these cruel policies and is bringing political parties that unleash those. In continuation to these policies the imperialist countries are taking up wars for the redivision of the world. The Ukraine-Russia war going on for the past 32 months is a part of it. This is a proxy war between Russia and the NATO in the leadership of the US. The US and NATO countries are providing heavy amounts of financial help and massive weaponry to Ukraine regularly, thus prolonging the war. The regional war shall go on for a long time to come.
Iran, North Korea, China and Belarus are indirectly helping Russia in the war. Zionist Israel is making massive destructive war on Palestine-Gaza for the past one year posing the guerrilla operations of the Hamas guerrillas on Israel on 7th October last year. Forty-two thousand Palestinians died in the war until date, most of them being women and children. Israel made an aerial attack on the Iran embassy in Syria in violation of the international judicial rules and the sovereignty of the respective countries, in the name of giving a blow to Hezbollah and its guerrillas of Lebanon supporting Hamas and to Houthis of Yemen. It is making heavy bombing through aerial attacks on Beirut, the capital city and entire Lebanon. On 27th September it attacked the building where the leader of Hezbollah Hasan Nasrallah was residing with the 900 kilos (2 thousand Pounds) bunker buster bomb given by the US and murdered him.
Later it continued aerial attacks on Lebanon and also launched ground offensive. In retaliation to the murder, Iran made missile attacks on Israel.
Israel declared war on Iran posing these missile attacks. Israel is preparing to destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons and oil supply system. On the other hand, US
and Israel are together making aerial attacks on Yemen to give a blow to Houthis. US is providing the financial and military aid to all the attacks made
by Israel on Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthi guerrillas and on Syria, Iran and Yemen. It is instigating war in Middle East/West Asia. On the other hand it is
warning Iran of dire consequences if it attacks Israel. In this situation, the war that began between Israel and Palestine is going to extend into a regional war
spread in West Asia. These consequences are part of the plan of US for redivision of the world posing Zionist Israel, in order to raise its lowered influence in West Asia, to further intensify the loot of the economic resources of the area that had been going on for the past seven and a half decades and to contain the rising influence of China in the area. The attempts of China to facilitate the exploitation of economic resources through increasing its influence are also one reason for the developments in West Asia. The regional war is going to become a proxy war between US – China, Russia.
Tensions are on the rise between China and the US on Taiwan issue.
We see rising tensions between China and the QUAD countries in the leadership of the US (US, Japan, India and Australia) for hegemony on Indo- Pacific area.
All these consequences are posing a major danger to world peace.
Apart from these, the economic and political crises of the world will further intensify. All these are intensifying the fundamental contradictions at the international plane and revolutionary condition is developing on a daily basis.
RSS-BJP Modi government could regain power in the centre in the Parliament elections held between April and June. Although it did not achieve
absolute majority and is running a coalition government with the support of Telugu Desham and JD (U), there is no change in the implementation of its
It is yet the main enemy of the people of the country. It is aggressively going forth to establish ‘corporate Hindu state’ to stabilise the exploitation and
oppression of imperialists, comprador bureaucratic (CBB) and feudal classes, in the name of ‘developed India’. As a part of it, it is planning to make the ‘One
nation – One election’ Act. It is making war on the people of the country by the name of Kagaar only to establish corporate Hindu state. It openly declared the
evil plan to eliminate the Maoist movement in the country by 2026 March and is unleashing counter revolutionary war. As a part of it, it deployed Army in the
forest area and intensified military offensive. It is utilising the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on the activists of democratic, progressive Mass Organisations foisting false cases, arresting and imprisoning them so that a countrywide resistance movement does not arise. RSS-BJP proved to be anti-
people, anti-Dalit, anti-tribal, anti-religious minority, anti-women, anti-federal and a traitor to the country through its Brahmanic Hindutva Fascist policies
unleashed on the oppressed classes, oppressed communities and oppressed nationalities for the past ten years, utilising its power in the central government and in a few states. So, peasants, workers, middle class and all sections of people are taking up struggles all over the country. This is the revolutionary condition developing day by day. Let us utilise this condition and intensify anti-imperialist, anti-comprador bureaucratic capitalist and anti-feudal class struggle. Let us raise mass base and subjective forces. Let us consolidate the Party, PLGA and United Front through political and organisational effort. Let us fight back and fail the counter revolutionary war Kagaar being unleashed by the central and the state governments to eliminate the countrywide revolutionary movement.
Dear Comrades and people!
Uphold the sacrifices of the martyrs who laid down their lives in the past one year retaliating the Kagaar offensive since January in the counter revolutionary Surajkund strategic offensive plan. Uphold the successes of PLGA and the revolutionary camp in the leadership of the party, on the occasion of the 24th Anniversary of PLGA. Enthuse the people of urban, plain and forest areas with these successes. Take up diversified forms to celebrate the Anniversary of PLGA appropriate to the conditions of the work places in agrarian, industrial and service sectors. Select qualified individuals to recruit into PLGA. Utilise the condition turning favourable to revolution day by day in the country and the world, take up appropriate tactics and intensify class struggle. Continue guerrilla war in places of PLGA units to the best of the strength. Protect the subjective forces from the counter revolutionary Kagaar offensive. Daringly fight back the Kagaar offensive. Advance the revolutionary movement in the path of Protracted People’s War with the objective to achieve New Democracy and ultimately Socialism Communism. People shall gain the final victory
Let us enhance mass base and subjective forces and preserve the Party, PLGA and organs of people/United Front and the revolutionary movement.
Let us avoid losses.
Let us oppose surrender and betrayal to revolution. Let us firmly struggle to preserve the interests of the oppressed masses.
Let us continue guerrilla war basing on the constantly raising mass base to the best of the strength.
Let us intensify anti-imperialist, anti-comprador bureaucratic capitalist, anti-feudal class struggle.
Let us fight against Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism.
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Long live New Democratic Revolution in India.
Long live People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA).
Long live Communist Party of India (Maoist)
Central Military Commission
Communist Party of India (Maoist)