On October 28 2020, 4 Maoists were brutally murdered by Pinarayi Vijayan's government's thunderbolt commandos. Long Live Comrade Manivasagam, Ajitha, Karthi and Aravindan! Long Live Martyrs! Long Live Marxism Leninism Maoism!
Month: October 2024
Statements and messages paying homage to Dr G.N. Saibaba from many countries of the world
Many revolutionaries parties and organisations issued statements after the new of professor G.N. Saibaba's death came to the public. Here we publish 14 messages from Italy, India, Philppines, Colombia, France, Bangladesh, Galicia, Brasil, Nepal, Greece and Australia. Some of them are not in English but in Portughese, French and Galician, we will try to translate...
The Murder of G.N. Saibaba – a declaration
you can ask the full version to ICSPWI - csgpindia@gmail.com What They Could Never Kill Went on to OrganizeThomas, Central Committee Member of MCU GN Saibaba died yesterday, only a few months after finally being released from prison.He spent the majority of the past decade in an Anda cell in Nagpur, where he wassystematically denied...
Brasil – International campaign to support People’s War in India and national liberation struggle in Palestine
In celebration for the one year of the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood , the biggest event on the anti imperialist fight of century, it happened, last Thursday (october 10th) in block P of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), the Political Act: Independence and Freedom to Palestine From the River to the Sea. The act took place...
Professor Saibaba has left us who carves a permanent niche amongst the crusaders for emancipation of mankind-Harsh Thakor
Professor G N Saibaba has left us, which is a mortal loss to the Indian democratic movement. One of the best ever sons of our land has left us. Memories of my encounters with him, will leave a permanent place in my heart. Unquestionably he was one of the boldest voices, sharpest intellectuals and most...
Honor and Glory comrade GN Saibaba!
I still stubbornly refuse to die The sad thing is that They don't know how to kill me because I love so much The sound of growing grass G.N. Saibaba from dazibao rojo
Bangladesh – Seminar Palestine/India
Press Release Date : 11 October, 2024 Seminar held in protest of the one year of Israeli genocide and aggression on Palestine and the ongoing "Operation Kagaar" aimed at destroying the Maoist's in India. The New Democratic People's Forum (NDPF) held a seminar at the Bangladesh Shishu Kallyan Parishad auditorium to protest the year-long genocide...
Hyderabad District, October 12, 2024: Dr G.N. Saibaba, a former political prisoner passed away – info press
Hyderabad District, October 12, 2024: Dr G.N. Saibaba, a former political prisoner and professor of English at Delhi University’s Ram lal Anand college, passed away late today following post-operative complications after undergoing surgery for gallbladder stones. He was 57. The wheelchair-bound Saibaba, who was 90% disabled due to a childhood bout with polio, was...